Jenkins subversion check out strategy

Posted: Ginekolog Date: 27.05.2017

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Latest Release Latest Release Date Required Core Dependencies. Source Code Issue Tracking Pull Requests Maintainer s. GitHub Open Issues Pull Requests Kevin Bell id: This plugin is more of a proof-of-concept than a robust and fully functional component.

It does work in my particular build environment, and is meant to serve as a demonstration of what might be possible with more work. It was inspired by JENKINS requesting multiple repository checkouts for Mercurial similar to what is possible with the Subversion plugin. It's currently implemented as a plugin, but if enough people find it useful, I think the idea would work better in the Jenkins core.

We are a small team and have been using Subversion which has been adequate for our needs. However, I wanted to experiment with distributed VCS systems, so I tried using Mercurial for a medium-sided update to one of our projects and enjoyed it very much. Everything went great until I got to the Jenkins build part. Our projects are small to mid-sized and are usually structured like:.

The in-house library is built by an upstream job, but the 3rd-party dependencies are checked out as part of the build. With subversion, we could check each one out individually, and initially I thought this is what I wanted for Mercurial as well.

[JENKINS] Jenkins Check-out Strategy for SVN causes files outside of workspace to be deleted - Jenkins JIRA

However, quite often we have the entire source for the library checked in, but the build really only needs a single dll or jar. Since Mercurial doesn't support partial clones, it now seems better to leave these in subversion since they're rarely changed and we can check out just the parts needed during a build. I googled for solutions, but the ones I found all seemed to have limitations compared to the working and adequate subversion solution:.

In the SCM section of the Jenkins job configuration screen, choose 'Multiple SCMs'. You'll then see a drop-down list of the available SCM plugins which can be configured similar to the way build steps are configured for a freestyle job. When chosen, each SCM plugin will present its normal set of configuration options. Make sure each SCM checkout is done in a separate sub-directory of the workspace to avoid conflicts between the SCM providers.

If using Mercurial, this option is hidden in the 'Advanced' section, so don't forget to configure it. The implementation was easier than I originally expected, and learned a lot along the way.

It basically serves as a proxy between Jenkins and existing SCM plugins.

[JENKINS] In "Check-out Strategy" there are separate "revert" and "clean" options, but there is no "clean and revert" option. - Jenkins JIRA

The job configuration panel uses a hetero-list similar to the build steps section. That way, all the configuration options are handled by the real SCM plugins.

For the actual SCM functions, it pretty much just iterates over each configured SCM plugin and forwards the request. There is some messiness in dealing with changelogs, but it's not too bad.

Has anyone tried using it with a Git plugin? It looks like when Git is used with multiplescm it does not hold a url It's something I've been wanting rather that using the command line to run the checkouts from different source repositories. I've tried it with Subversion and Harvest SCM, the problem is that the settings are saved, but when editing the job settings the saves settings do not load, the Harvest parameters are blank.

This issues also appears when using the TFS plug-in. I can confirm that this will not work with the Git plugin at this time: Multiple "Git" SCM entries can be created, but none of them will save any of their settings inc.

Even having just a single SCM, set to type "Git" doesn't work. I am using Jenkins 1. I noticed that each block of HTML for the SVN UI includes a hidden INPUT tag that looks like this:.

I've hacked the config for my Job to get it to work with GitHub SCM entries, allowing it to do builds with multiple git repos, though this doesn't solve the overall problem with Multiple SCM's git config. First I started with one GitHub SCM entry, created with Multiple SCM's UI.

Again, after a restart of Jenkins, I was able to run the build with multiple git clones. While this still doesn't seem to show the config when you're editing the Job, it does appear to do the git clone when you build the Job. It does show both plugins when you choose "Multiple SCMs". However, when the job is actually run, only the last SCM's data will be left on the workspace. For example, if I have two checkouts, projectA from CVS and projectB from Subversion, if I selected the CVS checkout as the first SCM, only projectB will be in the workspace at the end of all checkouts since it checked out from Subversion last.

However, I can see the plugin moving in right direction, and it will be very useful! Thank you so difference between a stockbroker and a trader for working on it!

Be aware that the "workspace" directory i. Hence you need to make sure each respective SCM entry has its own workspace directory override They both check out to the same location, which will almost certainly NOT be what you want. This is forex bull power indicator briefly in the Usage section. Specify an explicit workspace directory for each of your SCMs, and you'll hopefully be lucky enough to find that Multiple SCMs already works for you, as-is: First of all it is exactly what i was looking for some time.

Thanks for the initiation. I see those values in the config. Any thought on this.? FWIW, note that SCM polling does not work well when two of the same SCM type are configured for one job. When this job polls SCM for changes, it will fetch both A and B, then execute if needed. But it will only store the most recent revision from "repoB".

So when it polls again, it will get 2 different sha1 hashes for jenkins subversion check out strategy and repoB, and notice that repoA will be different from the previously saved hash for repoB, and therefore it will trigger a build.

Even though nothing is changing in either repo, the fact that A is different from B is causing dhaka stock exchange spot market monitor plugin to trigger a build.

For this to be effective, each repository will need to be named by the Multiple Binary options reviews j hjrthf plugin, and each build's revision will have to be saved on each execution, and only trigger a build if one of the repositories differs from the previous build, matching only repository-to-repository.

I may have been wrong macd means stock market I didn't see that initially, and it isn't first stock certificate traded in america in this wiki page.

Hopefully this saves someone else the confusion. See my reply above: Where in Jenkins did you find this setting? I see only the Advanced options Name and Refspec. Learn stock market sri lanka am using Multiple SCM Plugin 0.

We Are using MKS Integrity as our SCM. WIth new version 1. Also I see below error from jenkins err. I mean There should be Two Change log. Below log shows both Change logs were saved to location "E: Started by user XXXXXX Building on master in workspace E: Saving current Integrity Project configuration API Response for si viewproject successfully saved to file! Successfully saved current Integrity Project configuration to E: Change log buying diamonds on generated: When creating a job with multiple How to install the binary options indicators repositories, the config saves correctly and the job runs correctly, but when you open the project again the tfs info is gone.

I was surprised to discover that in order to make it work you need to configure different directories for each repository. If I use mercurial SCM, jenkins will clone the repository in a subdirectory, but this plugin will clone it into the root by default. I do not see any good reason for this. It would be essential to have a default behaviour that would match the single repository setup. As far as I get it the plugin just reuses existing git plugin functionality.

So the default behavior you're seeing is due to git plugin implementation. Couldn't find any revision to build. Verify the repository and branch camarilla exchange trading system for this job.

So, it seems like the MSCM plugin records the changelog for the 2nd repo in changelog. However, when we use this feature to get from the global passwordand we use multiple SCM, it does not save the information about the SCM, i. I get this error: Jenkins subversion check out strategy cannot be cast to hudson. SVN changes aren't shown. I have 4 git clones.

jenkins subversion check out strategy

It earn money showing banners broker nothing to do with the " Branch Specifier" but with the " Local subdirectory for repo". When I use two folder path e. Does it work with notifyCommit?

We have one project that polls from 2 Perforce server using this plugin. I noticed that there is always "Changes found" in the polling log although I'm pretty sure we don't have any new check-ins to both Perforce. Setting "Poll Exclude File s " doesn't help at all. Just wonder trading mini forex do we determine the change log with multiple SCMs.

What time does forex market close on friday gmt I checked my job's config.

I have multiple repos each with multiple branches using Multiple SCMs plugin 0. Can someone explain the default branch checkout strategy?

Would it just checkout the latest commit on each repo for the branches specified? We have 74 git repositories that we clone every build. It takes approximately seven minutes to clone them all serially. When we do it in parallel through scripts, it takes about one minute. If you're bored and want to maybe add a "pull in parallel" option, it would not go unnoticed I'm using the multiple-scm and email-ext plugin to generate some detailed build information.

The paths are all relative to the root of the repo but since there are mutple repos I cannot tell which repo the change belongs to.

jenkins subversion check out strategy

Is it possible to alter the path to prefix it with the repo name or perhaps provide additional data to email-ext? I am using jenkins 1. It's possible to add a new TFS configuration and it appears to be written to the job config. The job even runs OK. But when you reload the job configuration, the previously saved TFS settings are not displayed Thanks for the useful plugin. I find that if I try to use this plugin to use multiple SCMs on my slave, the repos are created but the file permissions are incorrect for the entire workspace directory.

Specifically, I'm running a win7 slave, and the workspace dir is created as follows as seen by cygwin:. We have a requirement related to Multiple SCM plugin. Actually we used GIT plugin for Mutijob. But When we use Multijob we got deadlock issue. So we changed our configuration. How can i do it? Please help met as am new to this. Powered by a free Atlassian Confluence Open Source Project License granted to Jenkins. Space Details Your profile picture is used as the logo for your personal space.

Change your profile picture. A t tachments 4 Page History. Page Information Resolved comments Link to this Page… View in Hierarchy View Source Export to PDF Export to Word. Created by Kevin Belllast modified by Craig Rodrigues on Aug 04, Please provide more informations. Permalink Mar 08, I need to build a job that checkouts from svn and git - will try to use it. Permalink Mar 25, Unknown User nissancedric netscape. This looks really good. That said the job still runs and I successfully checked out from both Subversion and Harvest.

Permalink Mar 29, I see the same behavior in the v0. Permalink Jun 28, I noticed that each block of HTML for the SVN UI includes a hidden INPUT tag that looks like this: Permalink Apr 08, Permalink Apr 11, This is explained briefly in the Usage section Specify an explicit workspace directory for each of your SCMs, and you'll hopefully be lucky enough to find that Multiple SCMs already works for you, as-is: Permalink Apr 18, Permalink Sep 16, Permalink Jan 03, Permalink Feb 06, But did not test with Git specifically.

Permalink May 03, Permalink Mar 18, Permalink Jan 24, It seems to work fine with 2 Git repos, as well as with Git and svn repo. Permalink Jul 03, Since Jenkins Version 1. Permalink Jul 10, Just tried it on 1.

jenkins - Is it possible to specify check-out strategy? - Stack Overflow

Works like a charm. Permalink Oct 24, Is there a special reason for implementing it like this? Permalink Jul 25, This is a lifesaver, thank you! Hello, Not sure if I need to file a bug or not. Here is what happened: I am using post-commit hooks to trigger builds on Jenkins whenever a change is checked into GHE. A change was recently checked into the 2nd repository configured in my project.

This triggered a build in Jenkins. However, the build failed with this error: Permalink May 21, Hi, this plugin is awesome! Permalink Jun 04, Permalink Jun 14, Hello, It seems to not work with bazaar plugin, while bazaar plugin works fine. Permalink Jul 16, Permalink Aug 09, Hi, I'm using jenkins version 1.

Permalink Sep 11, OK, found the issue. Hi, Is there any plan to support Repository browser configuration in future? It would be really helpful if this plugin supports Repository browser configuration. Thanks, Ravi Kumar G. Permalink Nov 13, Permalink Jan 28, Hi, We have one project that polls from 2 Perforce server using this plugin.

jenkins subversion check out strategy

Permalink Feb 04, Repository browser configuration is missing and is vital for normal work. Permalink Feb 12, Permalink Jun 26, Permalink Sep 15, Permalink Oct 14, Permalink Jan 20, Thanks for your help. Permalink Jan 27, Great plugin, Works with Git finally. Permalink May 06, Specifically, I'm running a win7 slave, and the workspace dir is created as follows as seen by cygwin: Permalink Jul 23, We use Mutiple SCM. But how to implement custom tagging? Please help me if you have any suggestion. Permalink Sep 14, Permalink Sep 21, Powered by Atlassian Confluence 5.

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