Make money with tailoring gw2

Posted: deft Date: 28.05.2017
make money with tailoring gw2

New to Guild Wars 2? Check out out our new player wiki page. We've got a guide for you as well! Please include the word "spoiler" if your submission potentially contains a spoiler. What's the best way to make money with the tailor profession? Recently got to and spent a fuck tonne of gold on getting to on tailoring on my new alt- any good ideas about what's best to make some money back? Since everybody in GW2 can craft or learn to craft , you are competing with thousands of players.

That means that in situations where it is cheaper to craft something than to buy it on the trading post, people will do just that, sell on the TP, and within a very short time it has evened out. The community will always achieve a balance this way and that means that in general, crafting is not profitable. You discover a specific item that you can craft for a profit on the TP for a short time - especially after game updates.

You craft a time-gated item these are recipes that you can only craft once a day. The time gating makes sure that the aforementioned balancing happens a lot slower. Earlier this year, when Mawdrey was introduced, I made a killing with time-gated recipes. It means that for a specific thing, people needed 7 of something, but they could only make 1 per day themselves and bought the other 6 grossly overpriced from 6 other people.

I crafted Mawdrey myself eventually, but I wasn't in a hurry so I just parted with all my time-gated craftable objects and bought them back much later when the prices had dropped significantly. On the TP, it's supply and demand.

In normal, all-day crafting, people can make their own supply, so you're out of luck. Probably the most reliable way to make money from tailoring is by crafting damask every day To get there, I suggest making exotic gear, based on what is listed as profitable on spidy. You should at least be able to break even until you can make damask.

Do note that you'll see a lot of satchels of X listed as profitable on spidy: Honestly crafting is usually just for leveling and for crafting ascended items. Most of the stuff you can craft is cheaper to buy on tp.

But yes, you can check gw2spidy, it's really useful how it compares the cost to craft to the sell price. But be aware that you can't always sell it at the sell price, not all of these items are craftable for a profit. It only costs like g to go from 0 to for any of the non-chef non-jewelry disciplines. How on earth did you spend 'a fuck tonne of gold' to do that?

Considering that I've never had more than 40g, and only that much after getting 15g with the 5k AP chest, that is "a fuck tonne of gold".

It's hard nearly impossible to make money out of a profession, the only one is cooking, but just because most of the materials are bought with karma.

Make your exotig gear with the tailor and reach , then craft bolts of damask everyday and sell it not inmediately. I think that's the only way with tailoring.. Just wondering, why that reaction?

Dungeons can be fun, and they don't take forever if you do certain ones. In addition, they can give some great rewards, though that is RNG reliant. Plus, if you need to grind some AP in a pinch, the dungeon ones are great for that.

I don't mind dungeons, I rather like them. I run them casually with a trusted group of friends of mine.

Or I two-man them sometimes with a friend up to a point and then invite PUGs to finish them off. Like I said, I run them casually.

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My main is neither using a meta build nor zerker gear. My dungeon runs don't get done in a matter of minutes. While I can see how that would be profitable and even fun for some players, it is not a playstyle that appeals to everyone equally. A dungeon path will take me anything between 20 minutes and an hour, and that is okay because I enjoy that time spent with my friends.

The loot is a bonus. Most days I don't even run dungeons at all because I'm just playing PvE while watching a TV show or I don't know exactly when I'll have to suddenly log and I don't feel like committing to 4 other players for the next minutes. So for me, dungeon running while fun in specific situations isn't a great way to make money.

Craft to earn money immediately

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Guild Wars 2 Trading Post: Make Gold with Tailoring Discipline | Guild Wars 2 Gold Guide

Post just to advertise your stream, event streams are fine. Use this subreddit as LFG. Sometimes I miss running my old guild. I wonder what happened to these people. If you don't mind, would be possible to fix the 'Disable Personal Story' under Content Guide Opts? This is an archived post. You won't be able to vote or comment. Guildwars2 submitted 2 years ago by LordCreamCheese Recently got to and spent a fuck tonne of gold on getting to on tailoring on my new alt- any good ideas about what's best to make some money back?

Crafting is only good for the following situations: I'd rather be poor. Posts are automatically archived after 6 months.

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