Why does ebay compensate employees with stock options

Posted: kavopero Date: 10.06.2017

The time has come to end the debate on accounting for stock options; the controversy has been going on far too long. In fact, the rule governing the reporting of executive stock options dates back to , when the Accounting Principles Board, the predecessor to the Financial Accounting Standards Board FASB , issued APB The rule specified that the cost of options at the grant date should be measured by their intrinsic value—the difference between the current fair market value of the stock and the exercise price of the option.

Under this method, no cost was assigned to options when their exercise price was set at the current market price. The rationale for the rule was fairly simple: Because no cash changes hands when the grant is made, issuing a stock option is not an economically significant transaction. APB 25 was obsolete within a year. The publication in of the Black-Scholes formula triggered a huge boom in markets for publicly traded options, a movement reinforced by the opening, also in , of the Chicago Board Options Exchange.

It was surely no coincidence that the growth of the traded options markets was mirrored by an increasing use of share option grants in executive and employee compensation. The National Center for Employee Ownership estimates that nearly 10 million employees received stock options in ; fewer than 1 million did in It soon became clear in both theory and practice that options of any kind were worth far more than the intrinsic value defined by APB FASB initiated a review of stock option accounting in and, after more than a decade of heated controversy, finally issued SFAS in October It recommended—but did not require—companies to report the cost of options granted and to determine their fair market value using option-pricing models.

The new standard was a compromise, reflecting intense lobbying by businesspeople and politicians against mandatory reporting. Inevitably, most companies chose to ignore the recommendation that they opposed so vehemently and continued to record only the intrinsic value at grant date, typically zero, of their stock option grants.

Subsequently, the extraordinary boom in share prices made critics of option expensing look like spoilsports. But since the crash, the debate has returned with a vengeance. The spate of corporate accounting scandals in particular has revealed just how unreal a picture of their economic performance many companies have been painting in their financial statements.

Increasingly, investors and regulators have come to recognize that option-based compensation is a major distorting factor. We believe that the case for expensing options is overwhelming, and in the following pages we examine and dismiss the principal claims put forward by those who continue to oppose it. We then discuss just how firms might go about reporting the cost of options on their income statements and balance sheets.

It is a basic principle of accounting that financial statements should record economically significant transactions. For many people, though, company stock option grants are a different story. These transactions are not economically significant, the argument goes, because no cash changes hands.

why does ebay compensate employees with stock options

That position defies economic logic, not to mention common sense, in several respects. For a start, transfers of value do not have to involve transfers of cash.

While a transaction involving a cash receipt or payment is sufficient to generate a recordable transaction, it is not necessary. Events such as exchanging stock for assets, signing a lease, providing future pension or vacation benefits for current-period employment, or acquiring materials on credit all trigger accounting transactions because they involve transfers of value, even though no cash changes hands at the time the transaction occurs.

Even if no cash changes hands, issuing stock options to employees incurs a sacrifice of cash, an opportunity cost, which needs to be accounted for. It is exactly the same with stock options. When a company grants options to employees, it forgoes the opportunity to receive cash from underwriters who could take these same options and sell them in a competitive options market to investors.

Warren Buffett made this point graphically in an April 9, , Washington Post column when he stated: It can, of course, be more reasonably argued that the cash forgone by issuing options to employees, rather than selling them to investors, is offset by the cash the company conserves by paying its employees less cash.

As two widely respected economists, Burton G. Malkiel and William J. Baumol, noted in an April 4, , Wall Street Journal article: Instead, it can offer stock options. The following hypothetical illustration shows how that can happen. Imagine two companies, KapCorp and MerBod, competing in exactly the same line of business.

The two differ only in the structure of their employee compensation packages. Economically, the two positions are identical. How legitimate is an accounting standard that allows two economically identical transactions to produce radically different numbers? MerBod will also seem to have a lower equity base than KapCorp, even though the increase in the number of shares outstanding will eventually be the same for both companies if all the options are exercised. This distortion is, of course, repeated every year that the two firms choose the different forms of compensation.

Some opponents of option expensing defend their position on practical, not conceptual, grounds. Option-pricing models may work, they say, as a guide for valuing publicly traded options.

And for stock options, the absence of a liquid market has little effect on their value to the holder. The great beauty of option-pricing models is that they are based on the characteristics of the underlying stock. The Black-Scholes price of an option equals the value of a portfolio of stock and cash that is managed dynamically to replicate the payoffs to that option. And that applies even if there were no market for trading the option directly.

Investment banks, commercial banks, and insurance companies have now gone far beyond the basic, year-old Black-Scholes model to develop approaches to pricing all sorts of options: Options traded through intermediaries, over the counter, and on exchanges. Options linked to currency fluctuations. Options embedded in complex securities such as convertible debt, preferred stock, or callable debt like mortgages with prepay features or interest rate caps and floors.

A whole subindustry has developed to help individuals, companies, and money market managers buy and sell these complex securities. Current financial technology certainly permits firms to incorporate all the features of employee stock options into a pricing model. But financial statements should strive to be approximately right in reflecting economic reality rather than precisely wrong.

Managers routinely rely on estimates for important cost items, such as the depreciation of plant and equipment and provisions against contingent liabilities, such as future environmental cleanups and settlements from product liability suits and other litigation. Not all the objections to using Black-Scholes and other option valuation models are based on difficulties in estimating the cost of options granted.

Since almost all individuals are risk averse, we can expect employees to place substantially less value on their stock option package than other, better-diversified, investors would. The existence of this deadweight cost is sometimes used to justify the apparently huge scale of option-based remuneration handed out to top executives.

We would point out that this reasoning validates our earlier point that options are a substitute for cash. Financial statements reflect the economic perspective of the company, not the entities including employees with which it transacts. When a company sells a product to a customer, for example, it does not have to verify what the product is worth to that individual.

It counts the expected cash payment in the transaction as its revenue. The company records the purchase price as the cash or cash equivalent it sacrificed to acquire the good or service. Suppose a clothing manufacturer were to build a fitness center for its employees.

The company would not do so to compete with fitness clubs. It would build the center to generate higher revenues from increased productivity and creativity of healthier, happier employees and to reduce costs arising from employee turnover and illness.

The cost to the company is clearly the cost of building and maintaining the facility, not the value that the individual employees might place on it.

The cost of the fitness center is recorded as a periodic expense, loosely matched to the expected revenue increase and reductions in employee-related costs. While we agree with the basic logic of this argument, the impact of forfeiture and early exercise on theoretical values may be grossly exaggerated.

Unlike cash salary, stock options cannot be transferred from the individual granted them to anyone else. Nontransferability has two effects that combine to make employee options less valuable than conventional options traded in the market.

First, employees forfeit their options if they leave the company before the options have vested. Second, employees tend to reduce their risk by exercising vested stock options much earlier than a well-diversified investor would, thereby reducing the potential for a much higher payoff had they held the options to maturity.

Employees with vested options that are in the money will also exercise them when they quit, since most companies require employees to use or lose their options upon departure. Recognizing the increasing probability that companies will be required to expense stock options, some opponents are fighting a rearguard action by trying to persuade standard setters to significantly reduce the reported cost of those options, discounting their value from that measured by financial models to reflect the strong likelihood of forfeiture and early exercise.

Current proposals put forth by these people to FASB and IASB would allow companies to estimate the percentage of options forfeited during the vesting period and reduce the cost of option grants by this amount. Also, rather than use the expiration date for the option life in an option-pricing model, the proposals seek to allow companies to use an expected life for the option to reflect the likelihood of early exercise.

Using an expected life which companies may estimate at close to the vesting period, say, four years instead of the contractual period of, say, ten years, would significantly reduce the estimated cost of the option. Some adjustment should be made for forfeiture and early exercise. But the proposed method significantly overstates the cost reduction since it neglects the circumstances under which options are most likely to be forfeited or exercised early.

When these circumstances are taken into account, the reduction in employee option costs is likely to be much smaller. Using a flat percentage for forfeitures based on historical or prospective employee turnover is valid only if forfeiture is a random event, like a lottery, independent of the stock price. In reality, however, the likelihood of forfeiture is negatively related to the value of the options forfeited and, hence, to the stock price itself.

People are more likely to leave a company and forfeit options when the stock price has declined and the options are worth little. But if the firm has done well and the stock price has increased significantly since grant date, the options will have become much more valuable, and employees will be much less likely to leave. The argument for early exercise is similar. It also depends on the future stock price. Senior executives, however, with the largest option holdings, are unlikely to exercise early and destroy option value when the stock price has risen substantially.

Often they own unrestricted stock, which they can sell as a more efficient means to reduce their risk exposure. Or they have enough at stake to contract with an investment bank to hedge their option positions without exercising prematurely.

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As with the forfeiture feature, the calculation of an expected option life without regard to the magnitude of the holdings of employees who exercise early, or to their ability to hedge their risk through other means, would significantly underestimate the cost of options granted. The adjustments, properly assessed, could turn out to be significantly smaller than the proposed calculations apparently endorsed by FASB and IASB would produce.

Another argument in defense of the existing approach is that companies already disclose information about the cost of option grants in the footnotes to the financial statements. Investors and analysts who wish to adjust income statements for the cost of options, therefore, have the necessary data readily available. We find that argument hard to swallow. Relegating an item of such major economic significance as employee option grants to the footnotes would systematically distort those reports. But even if we were to accept the principle that footnote disclosure is sufficient, in reality we would find it a poor substitute for recognizing the expense directly on the primary statements.

An analyst following an individual company, or even a small group of companies, could make adjustments for information disclosed in footnotes. But that would be difficult and costly to do for a large group of companies that had put different sorts of data in various nonstandard formats into footnotes.

Clearly, it is much easier to compare companies on a level playing field, where all compensation expenses have been incorporated into the income numbers. For one thing, executives and auditors typically review supplementary footnotes last and devote less time to them than they do to the numbers in the primary statements.

In FY , the same effect was reported: But surely recognizing the cost of options in the income statement does not preclude continuing to provide a footnote that explains the underlying distribution of grants and the methodology and parameter inputs used to calculate the cost of the stock options. The result would be inaccurate and misleading earnings per share.

We have several difficulties with this argument. First, option costs only enter into a GAAP-based diluted earnings-per-share calculation when the current market price exceeds the option exercise price.

Thus, fully diluted EPS numbers still ignore all the costs of options that are nearly in the money or could become in the money if the stock price increased significantly in the near term. Second, relegating the determination of the economic impact of stock option grants solely to an EPS calculation greatly distorts the measurement of reported income, would not be adjusted to reflect the economic impact of option costs.

These measures are more significant summaries of the change in economic value of a company than the prorated distribution of this income to individual shareholders revealed in the EPS measure. This becomes eminently clear when taken to its logical absurdity: Suppose companies were to compensate all their suppliers—of materials, labor, energy, and purchased services—with stock options rather than with cash and avoid all expense recognition in their income statement.

Should Employees Be Compensated With Stock Options?

Their income and their profitability measures would all be so grossly inflated as to be useless for analytic purposes; only the EPS number would pick up any economic effect from the option grants. Our biggest objection to this spurious claim, however, is that even a calculation of fully diluted EPS does not fully reflect the economic impact of stock option grants.

The following hypothetical example illustrates the problems, though for purposes of simplicity we will use grants of shares instead of options. The reasoning is exactly the same for both cases. The cost to each company is the same: But their net income and EPS numbers are very different. Of course, the two companies now have different cash balances and numbers of shares outstanding with a claim on them.

Under current accounting rules, however, this transaction only exacerbates the gap between the EPS numbers. The people claiming that options expensing creates a double-counting problem are themselves creating a smoke screen to hide the income-distorting effects of stock option grants. Indeed, if we say that the fully diluted EPS figure is the right way to disclose the impact of share options, then we should immediately change the current accounting rules for situations when companies issue common stock, convertible preferred stock, or convertible bonds to pay for services or assets.

At present, when these transactions occur, the cost is measured by the fair market value of the consideration involved. Why should options be treated differently? Opponents of expensing options also claim that doing so will be a hardship for entrepreneurial high-tech firms that do not have the cash to attract and retain the engineers and executives who translate entrepreneurial ideas into profitable, long-term growth.

This argument is flawed on a number of levels. For a start, the people who claim that option expensing will harm entrepreneurial incentives are often the same people who claim that current disclosure is adequate for communicating the economics of stock option grants.

The two positions are clearly contradictory. If current disclosure is sufficient, then moving the cost from a footnote to the balance sheet and income statement will have no market effect. More seriously, however, the claim simply ignores the fact that a lack of cash need not be a barrier to compensating executives.

Rather than issuing options directly to employees, companies can always issue them to underwriters and then pay their employees out of the money received for those options. Considering that the market systematically puts a higher value on options than employees do, companies are likely to end up with more cash from the sale of externally issued options which carry with them no deadweight costs than they would by granting options to employees in lieu of higher salaries.

Even privately held companies that raise funds through angel and venture capital investors can take this approach. The same procedures used to place a value on a privately held company can be used to estimate the value of its options, enabling external investors to provide cash for options about as readily as they provide cash for stock. But that does not preclude also raising cash by selling options externally to pay a large part of the cash compensation to employees.

We certainly recognize the vitality and wealth that entrepreneurial ventures, particularly those in the high-tech sector, bring to the U. A strong case can be made for creating public policies that actively assist these companies in their early stages, or even in their more established stages.

The nation should definitely consider a regulation that makes entrepreneurial, job-creating companies healthier and more competitive by changing something as simple as an accounting journal entry.

After all, some entrepreneurial, job-creating companies might benefit from picking other forms of incentive compensation that arguably do a better job of aligning executive and shareholder interests than conventional stock options do. Indexed or performance options, for example, ensure that management is not rewarded just for being in the right place at the right time or penalized just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

A strong case can also be made for the superiority of properly designed restricted stock grants and deferred cash payments. Yet current accounting standards require that these, and virtually all other compensation alternatives, be expensed.

Are companies that choose those alternatives any less deserving of an accounting subsidy than Microsoft, which, having granted million options in alone, is by far the largest issuer of stock options? A less distorting approach for delivering an accounting subsidy to entrepreneurial ventures would simply be to allow them to defer some percentage of their total employee compensation for some number of years, which could be indefinitely—just as companies granting stock options do now.

That way, companies could get the supposed accounting benefits from not having to report a portion of their compensation costs no matter what form that compensation might take.

Although the economic arguments in favor of reporting stock option grants on the principal financial statements seem to us to be overwhelming, we do recognize that expensing poses challenges. For a start, the benefits accruing to the company from issuing stock options occur in future periods, in the form of increased cash flows generated by its option motivated and retained employees.

The fundamental matching principle of accounting requires that the costs of generating those higher revenues be recognized at the same time the revenues are recorded. This is why companies match the cost of multiperiod assets such as plant and equipment with the revenues these assets produce over their economic lives.

In some cases, the match can be based on estimates of the future cash flows. In expensing capitalized software-development costs, for instance, managers match the costs against a predicted pattern of benefits accrued from selling the software.


In the case of options, however, managers would have to estimate an equivalent pattern of benefits arising from their own decisions and activities. That would likely introduce significant measurement error and provide opportunities for managers to bias their estimates.

We therefore believe that using a standard straight-line amortization formula will reduce measurement error and management bias despite some loss of accuracy. The obvious period for the amortization is the useful economic life of the granted option, probably best measured by the vesting period.

This would treat employee option compensation costs the same way the costs of plant and equipment or inventory are treated when they are acquired through equity instruments, such as in an acquisition. In addition to being reported on the income statement, the option grant should also appear on the balance sheet. Some experts argue that stock options are more like contingent liability than equity transactions since their ultimate cost to the company cannot be determined until employees either exercise or forfeit their options.

This argument, of course, ignores the considerable economic value the company has sacrificed at time of grant. At time of grant, both these conditions are met.

The value transfer is not just probable; it is certain. The company has granted employees an equity security that could have been issued to investors and suppliers who would have given cash, goods, and services in return.

The amount sacrificed can also be estimated, using option-pricing models or independent estimates from investment banks. There has to be, of course, an offsetting entry on the asset side of the balance sheet. FASB, however, subsequently retracted its proposal in the face of criticism that since employees can quit at any time, treating their deferred compensation as an asset would violate the principle that a company must always have legal control over the assets it reports.

We feel that FASB capitulated too easily to this argument. The firm does have an asset because of the option grant—presumably a loyal, motivated employee. Even though the firm does not control the asset in a legal sense, it does capture the benefits. Some commentators argue that any recorded stock option compensation expense should be reversed if employees forfeit the options by leaving the company before vesting or if their options expire unexercised.

But if companies were to mark compensation expense downward when employees forfeit their options, should they not also mark it up when the share price rises, thereby increasing the market value of the options? Clearly, this can get complicated, and it comes as no surprise that neither FASB nor IASB recommends any kind of postgrant accounting revisions, since that would open up the question of whether to use mark-to-market accounting for all types of assets and liabilities, not just share options.

We recognize that options are a powerful incentive, and we believe that all companies should consider them in deciding how to attract and retain talent and align the interests of managers and owners.

But we also believe that failing to record a transaction that creates such powerful effects is economically indefensible and encourages companies to favor options over alternative compensation methods. It is not the proper role of accounting standards to distort executive and employee compensation by subsidizing one form of compensation relative to all others. Companies should choose compensation methods according to their economic benefits—not the way they are reported.

Kaplan is a senior fellow and the Marvin Bower Professor of Leadership Development, Emeritus, at Harvard Business School. He is a coauthor, with Michael E. Merton, a recipient of the Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, is the School of Management Distinguished Professor of Finance at the MIT Sloan School of Management.

why does ebay compensate employees with stock options

He is also the resident scientist at Dimensional Fund Advisors, a Texas-based global asset management firm, and University Professor Emeritus at Harvard University. Your Shopping Cart is empty. Zvi Bodie Robert S. March Issue Explore the Archive. Stock Options Do Not Represent a Real Cost It is a basic principle of accounting that financial statements should record economically significant transactions.

A version of this article appeared in the March issue of Harvard Business Review. About Us Careers Privacy Policy Copyright Information Trademark Policy Harvard Business Publishing:. Harvard Business Publishing is an affiliate of Harvard Business School.

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