Best place to farm money in mousehunt

Posted: Fertynbgf Date: 14.06.2017

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MouseHunt is more than just a game where you wait for your energy to refill so you can do certain tasks…you have to have resources to move forward, and no resource is more important than gold, the currency of MouseHunt. This mini-guide will help you decide what is best for you.

best place to farm money in mousehunt

That being said, the Windmill is one of the best places at this level to make gold, not so much for the gold the mice drop, but the loot they drop as well, like simple orbs which can be sold at the marketplace.

The main issue I have with this approach is the catch rate with a portal on shadow mice. But the reward is nice. I like to play it more conservatively. The Ambush would be your best bet, but honestly, that trap will struggle to produce the best results. Save that rumble cheese for later see below. Stick with the same rules as the Master level. Catacombs with ACRONYM and Radioactive Blue cheese.

Derr Dunes only once you get at least the RhinoBot. This is where things change. Your options vary greatly. You might have Zugz First Move. To do that, you hunt for the Students in the Dojo, and then the Masters in the Meditation Room , and ultimately the Master of the Dojo in the Pinnacle Chamber.

The Mojo is your meal ticket. You should have the Enraged Rhinobot by now anyway. Another option, albeit not at first, would be the Gnawnia Express Station the train. You need a strong law trap, preferably the SLAC 2 to even get started on the train. The train is a great money-maker, somewhat of a middle ground between Furoma and Derr in terms of complexity.

Some long time players will scoff at these remarks in contrast to Furoma. The simple truth is, if you have the time to dedicate, the Furoma cycle will always be at the top.

Or a 24 hour train ride. There is no one-size-fits-all answer unfortunately, regardless of what some of the stubborn players on the forums might say. Same theories as the previous, but you can add the Burroughs Rift to the discussion as well. For me, I would much rather hunt in the Burroughs Rift for gold because the points production is the best in the game as well. So you get two for the price of one.

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New page added — making gold! The Total Mousehunt FAQ. No, Furoma will still come out on top in the long run.

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That being said, you need to evaluate what your immediate needs are and adjust accordingly. Unless you have a large stockpile of Rumble readily available, Furoma will take you longer. Fungal Cavern section completely updated The Total Mousehunt FAQ. That being said, the real money maker for the WWRift is crafting the three various funneling charms and selling them on the market. They currently are selling for over 45k each at least.

Matt, I heard that farming for gold in the Labyrinth is also yielding a good amount of gold. Not only supplies like shuffler cubes and magnets to get the results you want, but you really need, at the very least, the Crystal Crucible trap.

In Zokor, use your best base that you have. I am not a Magical String cheese user but I buy tokens with KCs or event currencies. However if I take account into the difficulty hence the time spent to obtain pollutedparmesan, is BR really higher than furoma? I tried my best to figure it out already but still have doubts.

You make most of your gold with Terra Ricotta. That being said, horntracker tracks catches but not cycles. The ability to craft unstabled curds and get more master cheese for free is huge. But the time commitment is long. In my own personal experience, I always preferred the boroughs rift for hunting for gold.

I do have a gold crown on the master of the dojo, but I did that a long time ago. As I mentioned in the guide, hunting in the whisker Woods rift might be a better option anyway because you can sell the crafting materials and charms that you loot there. However i now have approximately 1. You may also go work on getting SLAC2 in Claw Shot City and then using that to ride trains.

The trains are highly profitable. When I would suggest also to equip Wealth Charm if you have available when doing Gold farming additional gold.

best place to farm money in mousehunt

Ronza just arrived with Extreme Wealth Charrm the description reads: Exchange 3 Super Wealth Charms to reach even higher heights of gold! The math on the whole trade in process vs. Hi matt, I know the Gnawnian Express is a very profitable location, especially at the treasurer section, but does it hold true without those schedule charms, greasy glob, door, roof charms and coal charms?

Yes please , how much more viable does BR becomes for farming gold? Also, I stopped playing for about a year, a bit lost now. Came back cause Ronza beckoned, the sly minx. It was a relatively cheap shopping spree. I bought the Ronza Rift trap, and was wondering what I need to do to get the best setup in the riftwalker set? Also a decent money maker is sunken city after the 10k mark…on a day and a half using POT you get close to k gold, with runeshark gets close to k.

You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Hunting Equipment Physical Traps Tactical Traps Shadow Traps Hydro Traps Arcane Traps Forgotten Traps Draconic and Misc. Legendary Catacombs with ACRONYM and Radioactive Blue cheese. Hero — Knight Derr Dunes only once you get at least the RhinoBot.

Lord — Count This is where things change. Duke and up Same theories as the previous, but you can add the Burroughs Rift to the discussion as well. The Total Mousehunt FAQ pleiades on June 20, at 6: Matt on July 7, at 1: Clara on August 7, at 3: Would you consider Whisker Woods Rift another good place to farm?

Matt on August 7, at 7: Thanks for reading and commenting! Febndy on November 23, at 9: Matt on November 23, at 9: A confused guy on November 24, at Hey Matt according to HornTracker: Matt on November 24, at I know I did not fully answer your question, but I hope I gave you some good tips.

Bryan on April 20, at 9: Do you have any suggestion for me? Where to hunt next etc? Currently, this are my strongest trap: Thank You so much!

Matt on April 20, at CNSQ on May 2, at Larry's apprentice on July 5, at Hello Matt, Ronza just arrived with Extreme Wealth Charrm the description reads: Matt on July 6, at 3: Larry's Apprentice on July 13, at 9: Arthur on July 20, at 7: Matt, with the choice of getting new cheeses in the daily reward Terra Ricotta?

Rodrigo on September 26, at Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public. How to make gold in MouseHunt.

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